Should Restaurants Ban Children At Certain Times ?

Howard Helfant, Boca Raton restauranteur and business adviser has been involved in the business for the better part of 30+ years and has read that more and more restaurants are banning children after certain hours.  As one who has been involved in businesses that cater more to an adult crowd Howard Helfant felt the need to step out and take a stand on this issue.  Helfant comments, ” as a father of three children. I could never see leaving my children at home or with someone because my restaurant of choice would not welcome my full family.”

“I was one of those parents”, says Helfant, whose children are now all adults, “I worked hard each week and wanted my family together on weekend”.

Children liven up any room and spread joy wherever they are. They may be loud, but there are plenty of loud adults as well.  Howard Helfant continues, “lighten up a bit.  Parents work as hard as anyone and they may need and want that night out with their kids. At my restaurant we would never ever turn anyone away. We welcome everyone to share in the experience no matter the age! “.

Connect with Howard Helfant here.


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Howard Helfant and Family

Howard Helfant and Family

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