How well is your business prepared for a hurricane?

Howard Helfant, South Florida’s resident restaurant consultant and bottled water entrepreneur asks, “Is your business ready for a hurricane?”

Helfant has adapted  a disaster quiz developed by the Institute for Business and Home Safety to determine your business’s hurricane readiness.

Answering yes or no to the following questions could determine how well you handle a hurricane:

1. Are you concerned that your normal business operations might be interrupted?

2. Have you determined what parts of your business need to be operational as soon as possible following a hurricane and planned how to resume those operations?

3. Do you and your employees have a hurricane-response plan in place to help assure your safety and to take care of yourselves until help can arrive?

4. Do you have plans and contingencies to communicate with your employees before and after a hurricane?

5. Can your building withstand the impact of a hurricane, and are your contents and inventory sufficiently protected?

As we head into storm season, Howard Helfant feels all businesses need to evaluate their readiness and as can be seen by Storm Sandy, this disaster preparedness is no longer a phenomenon unique to the Southern regions of the country. Howard Helfant stresses. “each year any business needs to double check their hurricane preparedness”.

Link in to Howard Helfant here.

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